Waar wrote...
IsTehErreip wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I'm afraid what Waar would have to say about everyone. :roll:
expect anger
see, this is what I'm worried about... i have never once displayed anger in any one of my posts, you simply can't have a "lay of the lands" when you're new to this community. I'm sure you can accurately portray a few of the members who had been active as of late but you would miss everything that predates your lurking birth.
I can help if you want nate, but i think people like your take on things, if you get stuck just ask me in irc or send me a private message on these boards and ill see how I can help.
I got banned, what was the Two whacks from TMS and Hibia for? because i said "obama"? is that some sort of new extreme expletive word on the net that i didn't get the meaning for? seriously man, i'm completely lost there, help me,... please?