Eh just wondering what fight songs most people listen to as in a song that increases your aggression or something along those lines whether it's Godsmack or something else. I just wanna know what answers I'll get.
I don't have fight music... or I do but I don't really have a favorite since I rarely listen to any of it. I don't enjoy listening to music while playing games since most games require me to be able to hear properly or the music in the game is already good.
I do have lots of music that makes me cry, though.
1.Godsmack - I Stand Alone
2.Rungran - D.M.C (Devil May Cry)
3.-"- Lynch's mood (Devil May Cry)
4.Mortal Combat - Final Combat
5.Rungran - The Reaper (DMC)
6.Rungran - Blue Rose (DMC)
7.Aimee B - Future In My Hands (DMC)
8.Rungran - Evil Spirit (DMC)
9.Rungran - Steep Slope (DMC)