"sucks to be you."
my favorite phrase when someone thinks i'm already a pro in tekken or soulcalibur, 'cause i'm not - "if you think i'm that good already then you have no idea who my opponents are"
"What is your feeble request?"
"Go Charizard, use your Splash attack!" (Used in Battlefront 2 to mess with my RL friends. No seriously, they're real!)
"Owned! Fucking owned! (Rapid pelvic thrusts)"
My absolute favorite would have to be "Thaaaaat's niceIdon'tgiveashit." (Yes, said as one word.)
"There's a papa bull and a baby bull standing on this grassy knoll looking at a herd of Guernseys grazing below the hill. Baby bull says to the papa bull, "Hey Dad, let's run down there and fuck one of those cows!" The papa bull says, "No son, lets walk down there and fuck them all."