Self explanatory. For when the zombie waves rise-up and multiply, or when a riot breaks out and the first responders are overwhelmed, how you going to defend yourself? Post pics and descriptions of what will be in your hands and what your backup will be.
(By the way, assume fast zombies that are capable of being injured/disabled)
(Serious answers here please, stuff available to you locally)
AK-47 w/ CAA High-End Conversion Kit. (+ Tromix Shark Brake and Vltor Modstock)
-The AK-47's 7.62x39 has alot of stopping power and leaves a very large hole in whatever you fire it at. Compared to 5.56 NATO, which only goes through one wall of a cinderblock, the 7.62x39 round completely obliterates said cinder block. Range might not be as good as a AR-15 but MOA on better-quality guns is 1-2 MOA (good enough for a headshot @ 150yds). Plus the thing will never, ever fail to fire. Even in semi-auto only it's a great survival weapon.
The firearm itself, pretty badass no?

Here is the Tromix Shark Brake. Great for the zombie or two that strays inside stabbing range. Plus is heavily compensated so should drastically reduce recoil.

And here is the Vltor Modstock as fitted to an accessorized KTR-08. I just like the way it looks. (plus has storage for up to 6 AA's and a cleaning kit)

Combine the Shark Brake and Modstock onto the CAA-outfitted AK-47 and you have my primary zombie-gun.
I forgot the 75rnd drums too. Here's a pic.
Saiga-12 Shotgun (sportsterized w/ stock/pistol grip)
-Well, who wouldn't face zombies without a good shotgun. and what better than the semi-automatic, box-magazine fed, AK-actioned Saiga-12? Imported with a combined grip/stock to stay a 'sporting weapon' there are lots of parts to get it back-up to combat snuff. Plus, magazines come in 5,8,10,and 12rnd box and 20rnd-drum flavors, so ammo lasts and reloading is stupid fast, good for crowd control. Plus this sucker will take whatever ammo you want to shove into the chamber, shot, slugs, ect.
Here is the Saiga-12 as imported and sold by Tromix. 19" barrel, SAW-type grip, folding stock, 8-round box magazine and Shark Brake.

This is the Tromix Shark Brake (for the Saiga-12) in close-up. Strong enough to be used for door-breaching (but can't the shotgun do that too?)

And here is the 20rnd drum available for the Saiga-12.
So this is my Zombie-fighting loadout. $2500 will get me it all tomorrow at my local gun store if I had the cash.