This happened in my greenhorn years of college....
November of my 2nd semester of 1st year I accompanied my friend whose uncle just passed away... When we were cleaning his room the day after the burial, we found a hidden door behind a bookshelf (and coincidentally, the books there were all on mystery) that was plastered away but left the imprint of a door. When we opened it, turned on the lights, there was nothing but heavy chains hung by an iron hook stuck in the wall and a small sphere on a platform. Once we started to go in, we felt our heads burned for a second and noticed that the dark room changed into a room full of swords and chains. Before we even realized it, we were already bound by chains and fastened to the wall. We then heard a guy saying, "You only made my work easy fools!", and suddenly, without warning, the blades started to float and head towards us full speed... We thought we were dead, but turns out that when his moms found us, we were staring at the wall without a soul inside so that was the reason why our cheeks were so painful coz we were slapped... After that we promised ourselves never to speak of it again lest we relive the nightmare...