Video Clip:
Time: 5:58-6:04
Moments description: Specifically while the screen is only showing his facecam, and not the game he's playing.
Basically, add the text of what he's saying during each zoom in, without the quotes and other notes, of course.
"Bitch ate mah Chips..." (exactly like that, capitalizing the 'Chips')
"The Motherfackin' Bitch ate mah" (same thing, if possible)
"CHIPS!!" (ALL CAPS, and if possible have the word shake erratically like the camera does)
and finally, if possible, extend the last part by a second, since it zooms out abruptly after that.
If making specific capitals isn't possible, all caps for every part of the quote is fine, too.
Size: Somewhere between medium and large, I guess.