Well I will now answer your questions,but first I'll tell you how my Group date went.
We all sucked I bowling, I was trying my hardest but I had zero by my first 2 frames. I lost both games but never came in last. My hated friend had 0 for his first 5 frames. He ended up almost wining. Well it sucked major ass, only my hated friend talked. I wouldn't call it a date more like a group hang out. It still sucked because I was the comic relief because my hated friend kept telling people my old embarrassing nick-names which to everyone else were funny. Thats pretty much it.
gizmo wrote...
York wrote...
I hate one of the people I have to go with because he was my X-Best friend.
is it Nouta? :roll: :lol:
ah fuck that group date and go watch Indiana Jones instead.... i think its too late for me to say it now :(
No it's not Noata, my friend just looks a lot like Zac ephron. I'm not even kidding.
\\Oh and to cheer me up I watched Totoro and Princess Mononoke. I had fun with that,