I have experienced multiple anomalies whenever I have been browsing fakku lately. I have experienced server crashes (sometimes as long as 24 hours), acute server crashes (sql;server;debug mode etc.) and the individual wordfilter you saw below (now gone).
In retrospect - I believe the server is going to crash soon. Do you think this is true?
Below was the original topic, but now changed, as I keep discovering new things.
Ok, first sorry about my 2 posts here, the several errors and that debug shit is stopping me from deleting them. And this post was a trial and error discovery. Here is the link:
https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=17421&start=15 EDIT: the pictures have been deleted somehow...
Here it is:
The letters C and P wordfilter (in this case, picturefilter)to a
Just want to let your guys know :D
[size=10]Please don't ban me... =( [/h]