Tis my birthday today. Being born on Fathers Day is kind of funny cause my dad and I kind of celebrate each other on the same day. It's like a two man, small scale, Christmas where I get a larger amount of and more expensive gifts :P
Turned 17 for those of you who will ask (yes I'm not 18 but who really cares). Since I turned 17 on the 17th (called a champagne birthday apparently) I got some champagne from my mom. I took a swig and nearly coughed it onto my dog so I refused to drink a full glass of it.
I like alcohol but I usually only drink beer. Sake is the only form of wine I can tolerate and even then I only take it in small doses (and not very often). I just generally find wine to be unpleasant and not in the typical sense of being a teenager that just drinks to get wasted. I can appreciate imported beer and liquor but wine just makes me gag.