Let me put it like this, in 5 days I got in 10 fights. 1 before football practice and 1 after. ( This is high school) but I have been in like over a 100 fights I think. The resons: just assholes who needed a assbeten, men hitting a women, or they forgot to respect. Never just because. I have not been in one though sens high school, almost a few times but.
A serious one? Once.
I ended up stabbed with a knife in my back and pushed face-first though a fortified glass window, which broke my nose in two places. Not a good experience that...
It's just like "that which I cannot talk about without breaking it's 1st and 2nd rule" only the location changes from house to house and seniors and select juniors are allowed.
It became somewhat of a tradition at my old highschool, imagine my delight to go to my younger cousin's place to know that he was hosting it, and that it still lived on today.
After I grew up from that, I started going to a gym down in Saginaw and fight occasionally in the underground circuits they run down their.
i've always avoided any sort of physical fights
my memory before high school's all hazy, so i'm not sure if i did or not
but during high school i ignored all the bullies/befriended them
partly cuz of fear, and maybe maturity too (yeah right)
oh i just remembered, one time my senpai stole my brand new slippers (they were foxy with blue and white color, usually students during middle school just wore plain black and white stuff), I was scared and had to ask the biggest classmate buddy to retrieve it for me. (he was HUGE)
maybe i was just a lil chicken :-(
but now, i try to be mature about any conflicts before shit goes bad
Funny you should ask this... I was just in a fight with a family member late yesterday... son of a bitch grabbed me by the neck, and I almost broke his adam's apple...
and yes I've been i a fuckload of fights... I've got scars all over my face, and got a big one on the back of my head when I got pistol whipped during a fight... *sigh* good times...
Nop never got into a fight. Never got bullied either (actually I've been targeted before but since they didn't do anything physical and I couldn't care less what else they did they got bored quickly).
I'm not a particularly nice guy and a lot of people hate me (too impulsive and too apathetic).
WOW yall some violent mother-fuckers only 1 he hit me n the mouth then i hit him back. it was n the middle of class & the teacher had her back turned, it was the quietest fight n the history of my school. we would hav gotten away with it if he didnt start bleeding 5 seconds later &started crying like a bitch. this was n high skool by the way. @ the end of my freshmen year
Nope, I have never been in a fight. I tried my best to avoid the idiots in school that start fights. I just always weighed the pros and cons of getting into a fight. The cons always out weighed the pros.
i never punched any boys in my whole life. aside from that,i'm a wicked person. though i'm never punched anybody,but i almost made a plan to kill my mother for having affair with another guy. unfortunately,my girlfriend tried hard to prevent me from doing it. in return,it's my girlfriend who's be my victim