The primary purpose of this thread, other than for myself to find some other songs that I may enjoy listening to, is to ask a single question that can be answered either in a sentence presenting the piece itself, or a paragraph perfectly explaining your choice:
What piece of music have you listened to lately, that, in conjunction with it's source, has endeared to you due to the fact that it was perfectly timed in the scene in which it occured? By "endeared," I mean filled you with emotion, passion, or anything of the like.
This question includes every and all piece(s) of music, including from video-games, movies, anime; the like. The scene in which the piece played, if available, would be appreciated as well.
Here is the first one that springs to my mind: (spoilers, of course)
The Place Where Wishes Come True (2)
As any viewers of Clannad:After Story may have noticed, this song appears in a very dramatic and emotional sequence. Now, the reason I picked this song was for both its timing and the decision made regarding this piece during the entire anime itself. (I am talking about Ushio's scene with her father).
Timing: Two parts of the song. 0:53 occurs RIGHT at the (possibly) most emotional part of the entire anime. The unraveling of Ushio's sadness. 3:02 does a similar thing, except with the underlying melody of the very beginning of the song: the chimes. Now, in the scene in which this is employed, this VERY much helps the atmosphere.
Decision: You never even know that the song goes past the :53 mark until the episode that is being discussed. The decision to couple that moment with that scene leads to a truly emotional moment.