KLoWn wrote...
Do you find me sexy?

No but I have a Fender strat that looks almost exactly like that GH controller.
dålif wrote...
Would you want to try preparing and cooking a human?
No murder involved, the source would be a volunteer or already dead anyhow.
Do you think you would be more curious on how humans taste becuause of your profession?
I have to admit I'm curious, but that's about it.
Bashface wrote...
Is there anyway, without cutting it to determine when a steak is rare, medium rare, etc?
Also, are those Culinary Institutes worth it? Or are they just a waste of money?
Yeah, after some practice you can generally tell by the feel of the meat (how springy it is and stuffs). There's also a neat trick you can do comparing how the meat feels to the feel of part of your thumb but I'm kinda too lazy to explain that right now.
I don't think they are, but if you're seriously lacking a good chef to study under it's a good start.
DxTRiNiTYLiMiTxD wrote...
what type of car do you drive?
favorite book?(if any)
do you do the cooking when it comes to family gatherings?
Nissan Maxima
None really but I really like Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow a lot right now.
I do sometimes. But most of the time I prefer not to cook at home (I spend way too much money when I do).
ZomgAsdf wrote...
Do you like pie?
Why are you here?
Pronz plz.
lol no.