nacho wrote...
We appreciate your courage to post a picture of yourself, but your wish to earn the title of hottest girl on FAKKU cannot be granted.
Reason no.1:
such a nobility requires a proper contest, in which Jacob gathers his inner circle to rate the girls in a scale of 10.
Which would lead to a revolt of fakkers who could not make it in his inner circle, thus splitting the community in two parts which end up constantly battling each other over the sympathy of our admins, forcing Jacob to a final act of desperation and turning FAKKU into a paysite.
Reason no.2:
With such a title granted, more and more females will come to FAKKU with the intention to take the crown away from you, thus leading to a oppression of the male community and a flooding of our upgrades with yaoi, which ends in no more fapping for the most of us, evolution will take its course and turn us into frustrated, angry politicians, leading to the extinction of humanity.
Reason no.3:
No matter what happens, there are no girls on the internet. *holds his ears*
The last thing i want to do is oppress the male community.... so I shall concede in the quest to be hottest FAKKU girl. I will not endorse anyone at this time.