DDR_10_Footer wrote...
I guess Heroes isn't a surprise considering Japan has alot to do with the show..
I was reading a topic about a game that was made very American to appeal to Japanese audiences
Are they infatuated with us as much as we are with them?
Oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention that Heroes hadn't even aired in Japan yet when they were going all crazy for it. I guess there was just a lot of hype surrounding it or people watching it fansubbed online.
Yeah, the game was No More Heroes (nothing to do with the Heroes tv show), actually I had started that topic.
edit- And yeah, they are really big into America. It used to be that England was popular(which is why Hello Kitty is supposed to be from England according to the information released by the company that created it).
The American obsession with Japan is actually relatively new (past ten or 15 years). It used to be that college kids with a touch of yellow fever would study Chinese and those going into business went for Japanese(Japan's economy was really booming in the 70's and 80's, still very good but in a long recession with an end nowhere in sight). Now, people obsessed with Asia tend to be into Japanese culture and media, and thus study Japanese while China is really booming economically so those interested in careers in business generally learn Chinese.