I dunno, but I remember my geologist teacher showing me a text book from 1945 about how the world exhaust its resources around 2005. I don't think that ever happened though...
I dunno, but I remember my geologist teacher showing me a text book from 1945 about how the world exhaust its resources around 2005. I don't think that ever happened though...
I dunno, but I remember my geologist teacher showing me a text book from 1945 about how the world exhaust its resources around 2005. I don't think that ever happened though...
I dunno, but I remember my geologist teacher showing me a text book from 1945 about how the world exhaust its resources around 2005. I don't think that ever happened though...
I dunno, but I remember my geologist teacher showing me a text book from 1945 about how the world exhaust its resources around 2005. I don't think that ever happened though...
the last estimate was about right, i've seen predictions of around 11.5 b - 12.5 b before humanity will have to branch out and look for resources and real estate elsewhere.
the last estimate was about right, i've seen predictions of around 11.5 b - 12.5 b before humanity will have to branch out and look for resources and real estate elsewhere.
That or anyone who lives in an underdeveloped country dies because there is not enough food. Honestly this will really only become a problem for people who live in a any country that is 3rd world or below.