How often do you visit Seriouse Discussion, Incoherent Babbling, and Random compared to the rest of the forum. You can always find me up in random, i also frequent IB, but i dip in SD about ounce a month, because the im not very seriouse and posts are to long, What about you guys?
Well I tend to spend the most amount of time in Random and IB due to the larger amount of threads and posts. I still daily check SD for anything I might care about, though it's not that often that there is. I also check the Entertainment, Love&Bromance, and Vidjagames on a regular basis. I check General fairly often and other sections at random.
Random is the first thread i go to when i visit FAKKU! next is IB, though i'm not very fond of visiting SD, i still post there from time to time...
well, to say the least... i go there everytime i visit fakku... and i visit FAKKU 5-9 times a day...
I check SD twice or so everyday for threads to post my opinion in when it hasn't been stated already.
I visit IB for laughs or the Chat Thread.
I visit Random very much, because some threads in here are pretty interesting.
I actually rarely go outside of random/SD. Maybe the requests section and Writing/fanfics sometimes but for the most part random/Sd is all that interests me here.
SD I haven't visited in a long ass time because simply put, those discussions are way too damn serious.
IB and Random I lurk the shit out of. As well as the garfest, computers, video games, and the anime and manga forums.
I check SD right after I login and before I logout from fakku to see new comment there. After that I mainly lurk in Random and IB, but I frequent other sections too.