Gizmo: It's one of the villains from Xenogears (my favorite RPG of all time), previously I was using Ender but I felt it didn't apply to every situation and I was tired of using it. Btw I answered this in the thread about usernames.
Arizth: A little.
Mattarat: Once a bot forever a bot.
animeholic1: questions about the Enterprise's functions probably have an answer on a Star Trek wiki.
elfen lied: Answering the question in this thread that was way longer than I expected it to be and playing Soulcalibur 4. Also taking you out to a an expensive restaurant but forgetting my wallet forcing you to pay and then raping you.
Moses: Only if digestive problems count as a super power.
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von: Yes you're banned and you will be unbanned when you've proven you're worthy of being unbanned, Hibia fails as a man and feels pity for you, or the admins make him unbann you.
aznstoner: Shorty before Starcraft Ghost comes out.
Moses again: Yeah, the deaf guy it falls on.
animeholic1 again: We'll tell you when you're older.
aznstoner again: only if she bounces.
Moses...again: Yes.
IsTehErreip: Six of one, baker's half dozen of the other.
biglw17: No I'm incapable of making a taco for anyone but me and I don't know jack about guns.
Moses AGAIN: Obviously not if she licking my lips and not yours.
Moses *sigh* again: Only if you don't like saying anything useful.
IsTehErreip (I don't think it was directed at me but whatever): More than I value everyone else's put together.
Moses seriously how many questions do you have?: Because Jesus hates you.
Moses...ugh: Yes but you have to jump off a tall building.
IsTehErreip again: Daily.
aznstoner...again: Yes. So fucking sorry I had to sleep and then woke up and had a day full of stuff to do. I would think it would be apparent by now that I only come here once a day.
animeholic1...again: IsTehErreip stole the answer from my mind...fucker.
animeholic1 AGAIN: Build a time machine, use it to travel back to when God was a baby, kick him in the nuts and steal his power, then create a klondike bar...only one though, I'm not sharing.
PersonDude: I'm sorry I was too busy fapping to your avatar to pay any attention.
animeholic1 *sigh* again: Because it sounds cool? Superstition? There may be a technical reason I suggest you utilize google.
IsTehErreip (once again not directed at me): Yes I have. All the important ones and even some of the not important ones.
IsTehErreip...again: Not as much as I hate bizarre plant monsters and guys with chainsaws.
IsTehErreip (I doubt you meant for this one to be answered at all): How would I know what you know. Besides being able to read your mind that is.
GSDAkatsuki: When you start trying or get a lobotomy.
Moses...why!?: Only if you cut out both eyes.
Moses.......: Depends on your plastic surgeon.
IsTehErreip *sigh* again: No.
Moses oh for the love of...: Yes. I know what lives in my freezer.
IsTehErreip...ugh: Yes. You don't have nutsacks.
Moses...blah: Because you just punched a blind guy you jerk.
IsTehErreip...why!?: Depends on your definition of wrong taco.
Moses...I don't care anymore: No, it's the same color as everything else.
IsTehErreip......: I once told a friend all his problems in life were because he was bigger than me. He agreed. I hope that answers your question.
Waar: You ask now?
HentaiElder: Please restate your statement in question format.
IsTehErreip...blah: It only appeared black because of the limitations of your feeble mind.
Moses...shadow: The same reason he is so yellow.
Moses...your name: Because you're a failure.
Moses...island: If you were a real man you'd know.
Seriously please don't spam my thread so much and don't go off topic for so long. You're scaring away all the people with good questions.
Well you can ask a question or two....or three that I've answered your last ones. Just wait for me to answer before posting so many that it takes me a year and a half to answer them all.