Zero!!! wrote...
I'll share, because I've decided, I really can't follow any of this advice.
It's hard to try to associate or create bad memories with her, I just can't do it, she's too nice of a person for that. As for confessing, I don't think I even have the courage or confidence. I'm a failure as a person and as a man. Even when I try to busy myself with something else, I just can't help but think about her.
I've definitely fallen hard for her, but I feel like I'm a horrible person to begin with, and I don't want her to have to put up with such a person. Even before this, I've been looking up on wikihow whether or not there's signs of her liking me back, but to be honest, I can't help but be skeptical about those how-to articles.
I mean, are those even accurate? Am I an idiot for trying to use those? I'm sorry, I'm taking this in a weird direction.
But I guess the largest reason as to why I want to fall out of love with her is simply because...I'm afraid.
I mean, I've never felt this vulnerable towards anyone, so I'm very afraid of what would happen, regardless of the outcome.
I mean, I keep saying to myself, "this isn't possible, it's illogical to even have these feelings. She's younger than me. It won't work out."
Well, it's a HS crush. I know, it's stupid, it's my first, and I'm probably being delusional.
I'm a senior and I just turned 18, she's a sophomore. Since I'm graduating this year, I don't want to leave any lingering sentiments or attachments.
I think this is just an infatuation, but since I fessed up, feel free to make fun. I hate showing a weak side to anyone so being this honest to anyone at all is like swallowing my pride.
I want to make this work now. Do I confess regardless of the outcome or do I wait while still spending time with her? Do I have to be more obvious about my feelings or continue to be shy and awkward around her?
Ok first of all, why would you be a horrible person, from what I've been able to tell your nothing less then any of us. Thinking bad about yourself isn't going to change who you are, I used to think that way about myself as well but then I realized I'm just who I am no matter what (bad) image I tend to draw myself off as.
Also, don't take offence in me phrasing it like this but, the only who should decide whether they'll put up with you is her not you. (Considering she knows you.) You can't sketch yourself as a bad person like that for no reason, because to others you might be much more valuable then you might imagine. Not being able to confess isn't something to be ashamed over, it's a difficult task to do. However it's something that should be done at the right time, so take your time working it out if you want to let your feelings be known. (Actions sometimes say more then words.) By the way don't read articles, everyone experiences love in a different way, there are no manuals on this. Tips yes, but in the end your situation will always be different and unique from others' ones. (See it as a puzzle that only you can work out.)
I understand that you are afraid of the outcome, it's frightening to be so vulnerable. Trust me, during the time I was in love I had the same feeling. I constantly was anxious, I didn't want to mess anything up because I wanted to be a good guy towards her. Everything she did had an impact on me, every move she made whether made me very happy or really sad, it felt really strange being so affected by one person. That's how vulnerable one can feel during love. But the outcome shouldn't scare you, yes we always hope for a good outcome but (although I know this is a very hard fact the accept but it's something we most likely something we all had to coop with at one point) there is always the fact that you can get denied. However even though one can suffer greatly from this, you must never blame yourself for falling in love because that is neither your fault nor hers. Doing what you feel is right and pursuing love is something that you never should feel guilty about.
Also don't lift too greatly on the age difference, sure it may seem really weird to some but a person isn't always defined by their age. Age doesn't always decide whether a love works or not. However try not to rush it, but at the same side don't sit it out to long. (This is a very hard task to do and honestly I had problems finding the balance too.) Try to let your feelings shine through but don't suffocate her with them, be nice to her but also don't neglect your own opinion, she needs to see you for who you are and not for someone you imagine that you should be to her.
Honestly I see no need to make fun of you, it's very brave of you to openly express your feelings (especially on the internet). Lots of people have troubles talking through their honest feelings, because it makes you really vulnerable, so that shows a clear sign of maturity and braveness from your side. Honestly that's one step closer that you get to letting your real feelings shine though, something that'll be of use when you are around her.
Sorry if I seem like I'm acting as your "best friend" even though we've never really spoken before but I'm just trying to share my advice from my past experiences (both happiness and grievances). I'm in no way a love guru, just an ordinary guy that has also experienced the feelings that you have.
I wish you the best of luck though.