Lamz0r wrote...
I'm not really good with testing things like that... but:
Flash button doesn't seem to work for me.
Every time I try to get somewhere (switch profiles, turn it off or get back from that BIOS menu) and a YES/NO (ja/nein) table appears, I can't select NEIN no matter how much I try.
Yes and when I turned it off without saving changes and then turned it on again (both with Power button), nothing but a single line in the left part appeared. Fixed by getting to BIOS part and then back (Exit button), but it's a little annoying.
Despite those little problems, handling it was really easy.
Maybe those JA/NEIN options would be better if it was enough to click JA/NEIN and not having to click OK button.
I hope this is usefull somehow.
thx for that
1. the flash button doesn´t work because he doesn´t have a function....I should have written that........
2. could you exactly describe when you can´t choose NEIN and which button you used to switch between JA and NEIN, so the message that is in the box. would be helpfull cause I can always select NEIN.
3. the issue with the power button has been fixed
as for the idea with the JA/NEIN, since this is just showing a message box on the screen I could only try to mke it possible to use UP_Button = NO and DOWN_Button = YES or with right/leftbuttons.
just out of interesst.....your are using a PC and not a MAC right