Waar wrote...
IEAIAIO wrote...
I have to disagree and say that it's not his fault at all. If he had brow beat his sister,girlfriend,mom or whoever into cleaning up for him then yeah it would totally be his fault but he hired a maid. It's a maids job to clean, it's what they're paid to do. If somebody breaks something at a job you don't look at the boss and say "it's your fault for hiring them" a maid is supposed to know to be
very careful with stuff while cleaning.
if you cant trust the person to clean it for you then you don't allow her to clean it, also leaving something soo precious to him in a high volume area is retarded, would you leave your most preciousness possession out in the open so anyone can break/steal it? People make mistakes but when you set them up the fail you cant blame anyone but yourself.
Because it's a maid's job to fucking clean and
not break anything, as well as listening to directions, such as "DONT FUCKING TOUCH THIS". If she were my maid, you bet your ass she would not be happy.