Fuck it! Just woke up! Sew, since this ish just-just Random Forum/site non going to beh most perfection on this first post that should have started when just woke up at 04/something which now more than an hour gone read/typing post.. Hah! That just proves how tired I am.. oh, umm.. anyways!
Well, beyond the babble -Apologies!
This morning woke up about an hour ago.. took maybe five minutes meh to realize couldn't get into mine bathroom. Forgot that both of them were locked.. sew, because of a paranoid little session of making mine fiancè look around the apartment on TWO separate times... locking both bathroom doors -well, locked myself out. The kitten et Eshi really needed to use the bathroom (which ish more food on her end, fat kittty!) sew, both Mewhs were heard in the silence of a bear sleeping in the next room. Heh!
Anyways, thinking to myself, while find wire hanger, non many people, or girls for that matter, know how to open a bathroom door with a wire hanger. Well, since the wire hanger was more waxed down (since, lately buy more of the expensive kind these days) et all was getting was the wax being bent, non torn... just bent et doing non damage to the door... looked for a card.
Tried looking for something didn't want to use anymore, like the Disney card from the resort didn't need anymore otherthan for a memento. You know? Still wondering while only took meh three tries (because was tired, which consist of a minute more/less) do most people know how to do this anymore? Or for any matter at all, would they need to? Et, curious of the female population in such the reference... You Know?
Well, anyways --on a tired reference of such the structure of this post, What are your thoughts?