[ As An Update. ] || Non Translations In This Thread! ||
Yesterday, his friends came in around noon. Just transfered out of the shower was sitting at the computer in my red sailor thong (usually worn for night) just doing a little work for such et sew forth updates -didn't want to get behind with things, nevertheless. Then! Mine Sweet Love calls, my hearts begins to race, et he tells meh his friends are in the complex looking for the apartment. Sew, got up et hung up quickly running into "our" room to grab un-prepared clothes from my bags, boxes, et organizer bins. Mine hair was still wet, sew had to comb quickly into a bun.
Once done, took a breathe... Literally! his friends knock on the door when completed my gasp. Opened the door, with my heart racing again axially started hurting horrid. They can in et were nice et welcoming. Meet his brother before, sew, there was non means of much there. The girls just wanted to crash, sew, after conversation in the livingroom et mine manic fiend to make everything LITTLE perfect in the room (helped meh from twitching... OCD, in all, anyways)
After washing my hands couple times, sat at computer to finish some work. His brother just pops in with comment that kind of surprised meh "So, is this all you do all day? Sit at the computer and play on the internet?" Looked over et put everything down, then forgot what was doing sew, mine response "No, not all day.. just some of the day, more in the morning" He nodded just started telling me stories of various things with Mine Sweet Love et such. Was really nice, friendly.. enjoyed it.
Kept looking at the clock because was suppose to be picked up around two to pick up my friend from Wisconsin (Which meet in NORTHERN California years back) Her flight came in at 1447P CST/GMC-6 exactly, didn't want to be late -ect. Anyways, Mine Sweet Love eventually called saying that Juan (Whom was to pick meh up on such the manner of travels to the airport to pick my friend up) was going to take his shift for a bit to let him pick meh up -to pick up my friend from the airport.
The girls were crashed on the ground in the livingroom, sew, his brother joined us to go. Glad one girls, who ish nervous girly, woke a little while we left to tell her we were off -Sew, she didn't think we adbandoned her et her friend. Anyways, we came back with food... Ate, et Mine Sweet Love left back for work. Ironically, Juan thought he meant for the rest of the day, sew, as Mine Sweet Love called to say he'd beh there in a minute he let Mine Sweet Love wander back on home. Sew, thankful of this...
We cleaned out his car, or should Eshi say Mine Sweet Love et his brother cleaned out Cali (Mine Sweet Love's Mercury Zephyr) Then they wandered off to get alcohol et tobacco for the Hoka. Called Guy, from our apartment complex, to get the Vodka for our huge watermelon. Set that up. Then, Started drinking infront of my friend, she was uncomfortable, buh once we all started drinking (my friend, too young et didn't much care -just watched us beh silly) everything calmed down. Was happiness in my Smirnoff. Switch with the girls because hated the Strawberry. They were sharing a six pack, Eshi had her own --to have all her own. (<33333)
Anyways, between the Hoka et drinking we all just kind of clicked, everything was bliss between this group of people. Felt really nice, you know? Have yet to meet family members because they come in late today. Buh, as an update, things are going just fine. Woke up early, et the Girls + Brother are still lasped in slumberous wonderment. Sew, cewt... cleaned the house et Mine Sweet Love began to cook.
Also, if the Grammar ish horrid, most apologies -don't have the time to much less think today! Give of meh much Hopes et Wishes for today... Love you guys et Most wonderful Thanks for all the already HUGE suppot you've given meh! Gawh! Love you guys, Mine Fakku Family!
~: Much Kisses et Loves To Everyone :~