MissYee wrote...
Feemale. Why is the majority like 90% guys? :[
Because traditionally men have a domanance in the porno sector. Have you noticed that the MoteMote BATTLE is only female characters? That's because males dominate the site, and males are active on the site. (or there are a lot of girls that talk in a masculine way, IE: References to their penis size and other pointers. Lawl, a pun.)
Also, most dudes don't belive people on the internet that claim to be girls, expecially on a Hentai site. Probably because it seems un-likly in their head. I personally don't care what gender a person is on the internet, as they will both offer the same level of conversation.
However, some girls that constantly use gender as an argument rebuttle are not welcome in my books, as they pull it out at every possible chance.