I saw it in bits and pieces. First few episodes, 7 and 9, and whichever one involved that Cannibalism thing.
God fucking damn, but Unit 0 fucking ripping into an angel with it's jaws scared me to hell as a kid.
Anyway, I can offer two bits of opinion data.
2, It could have been a good show, but instead it became the butt of a lot of Emo jokes, introduced another template for pathetic male leads, won several fan awards for having the most convulated yet sensible and extremely fan abuse-y plot and for having the world's most pathetic male lead, period.
Watch it if you can stomach the world's most whiny piece of shit complaining about, in order, "Whaa, Daddy doesn't love me! I don't WANT to pilot the giant sexy robot! Daddy still doesn't love me! Girls scare me! I like Asuka, but she scares me! Daddy still doesn't love me! Whaaa!"