What happens when 1 man with a beard, 1 man with a piano key, 1 man with a brown belt in culinary, and 1 2D girl with a degree in kicking ass meet for the first time?Love is in the air...No wait that's just blood from the most epic war fight you've ever seen *Fighting erupts*.JACOB, RAZE, NIKON FIGHT FOR THE WAR OF THEIR LIVES!!!!!!"FAKKU ADMIN WARS"!!!!!!!.Coming soon to a theater near you.
There seems to be a major typo on that screenshot. I don't know how someone could type "Nikon" when they obviously meant "TehMikuruSlave, the asshole".
fighting to preserve the dignity and honour of a person's manhood is one thing. but we're all forgetting the damage to untold thousands of innocent lives....when all their hentai are caught in the open.
so i say no admin wars...just a little fight to the death for the hand of tomoyo...oh alright just a little war.