Important Quotes

Aura-Desu Beautiful and Twisted~
[7:00:41 PM] Tegumi: ummmm just fap to hentai?
[7:00:42 PM] Tegumi: pls
[7:00:49 PM] Tegumi: just whip your dick out
[7:01:02 PM] Lila Niue: wat
[7:01:35 PM] Tegumi: pls masturbation is boring to watch
[7:01:41 PM] Lila Niue: hahaha
[7:03:02 PM] Tegumi: penetration or go home?
[7:04:28 PM] Lila Niue: uh
[7:04:31 PM] Lila Niue: wut
[7:05:04 PM] Lila Niue: i'll pentrate the pool
[7:05:07 PM] Tegumi: self explanatory?
[7:05:12 PM] Lila Niue: when the time comes
[7:05:12 PM] Tegumi: thats not penetration thats diving
[7:05:51 PM] Lila Niue: with my microbenis xD
[7:06:30 PM] Tegumi: nah ur just diving twice?
[7:06:45 PM] Lila Niue: twice
[7:07:25 PM] Tegumi: 2
[7:07:26 PM] Tegumi: times
[7:07:31 PM] Lila Niue: ur two times
[7:07:39 PM] Tegumi: YOU'RE THE TWO-TIMER
[7:07:42 PM] Tegumi: stahp cheating on me
[7:07:45 PM] Lila Niue: you're three times
[7:07:48 PM] Tegumi: with the pool
[7:07:51 PM] Lila Niue: i
[7:07:53 PM] Tegumi: ill fukn drain it
[7:07:54 PM] Lila Niue: i can't help it
[7:08:05 PM] Lila Niue: poolsama is so kawaii
[7:08:07 PM] Tegumi: stop two-timing me or the pool gets it
[7:08:11 PM] Lila Niue: no
[7:08:16 PM] Lila Niue: don't do anything to pool
[7:08:19 PM] Lila Niue: it didn't do anythignwrong
[7:08:22 PM] Lila Niue: it's all my fault
[7:08:22 PM] Tegumi: I WILL
[7:08:28 PM] Lila Niue: do it to me ;-;
[7:09:20 PM] Tegumi: i cant drain u thats murder?
[7:09:23 PM] Tegumi: also im not a vampire
[7:09:37 PM] Lila Niue: whoa whoa whoa
[7:09:42 PM] Lila Niue: the pool doesn't have blood
[7:09:52 PM] Lila Niue: that doesn't mean you have to drain me of blood
[7:09:59 PM] Lila Niue: i like my blood
[7:10:03 PM] Lila Niue: i'm very fond of it
[7:10:23 PM] Lila Niue: sometimes i give it away to those who need it, but i don't give it away lightly
[7:10:56 PM] Tegumi: yea im draining the pool of water
[7:11:06 PM] Tegumi: cant drain people of water easily
[7:11:30 PM] Lila Niue: l0l
[7:12:01 PM] Tegumi: like i could force feed you sponges but
[7:12:01 PM] Tegumi: ???

and for extra lolz

[2:29:12 AM] Dess: k trade me whenever
[2:36:54 AM] Dess: >.>
[2:36:55 AM] Tegumi: did you really catch nothing but magikarp
[2:37:07 AM] Dess: I've been waiting for that haha
[2:37:10 AM] Dess: I uh
[2:37:13 AM] Dess: am building an army
[2:37:15 AM] Dess: ask tsujoi
[2:37:22 AM] Tegumi: why>
[2:37:29 AM] Dess: honestly?
[2:37:36 AM] Dess: cuz they look funny when they flop around
[2:37:58 AM] Dess: I have about 47 left
[2:38:48 AM] Dess: plus extremely easy to catch
[2:38:51 AM] Tegumi: geez
[2:38:52 AM] tsujoi: i have this feeling that she's going to
[2:38:55 AM] tsujoi: evolve them all
[2:38:56 AM] tsujoi: too
[2:39:01 AM] Tegumi: no
[2:39:04 AM] Tegumi: shes giving them to me
[2:39:08 AM] tsujoi: lol
[2:39:09 AM] Dess: hahaha
[2:39:51 AM] Dess: fear the magicarp
[2:39:53 AM] Dess: FEAR IT
[2013-11-02 23:30:49] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: i have pizza agian
[2013-11-02 23:33:51] Spooky: Share.
[2013-11-02 23:34:07] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: here u go (>
[2013-11-02 23:34:08] wendy peffercorn: stop
[2013-11-02 23:34:12] Spooky: aw yiss
[2013-11-02 23:34:18] Spooky: no pen please
[2013-11-02 23:34:21] Spooky: I need my pizza
[2013-11-02 23:34:47] Sadaki: thats a dick
[2013-11-02 23:34:53] Spooky: ur a dick
[2013-11-02 23:34:54] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: its a slice of za my man
[2013-11-02 23:35:18] Sadaki: wow i think i know what dick looks like
[23:05:50 PM] Lord donkeypunch: HAPPY BIRTHDAY
[23:05:54 PM] Lord donkeypunch: BITCHTITS
[23:06:56 PM] l33tdeath009: .......................................
[23:07:24 PM] l33tdeath009: Fuck you nigger, its only 11:07 at home.
[23:07:40 PM] Lord donkeypunch: It 2am over there bro.
[23:09:21 PM] Lord donkeypunch: RU ALIVE OR COKE UP YET
[23:09:56 PM] l33tdeath009: ...... Shut up im trying to jack off.
[23:10:05 PM] Lord donkeypunch: THEN
[23:10:08 PM] Lord donkeypunch: I
[23:10:11 PM] Lord donkeypunch: WILL
[23:10:14 PM] Lord donkeypunch: STOP
[23:10:18 PM] Lord donkeypunch: FOR
[23:10:21 PM] Lord donkeypunch: A
[23:10:50 PM] Lord donkeypunch: WHILE
[23:21:10 PM] Lord donkeypunch: You blow your weak half breed load yet?
[23:21:34 PM] Lord donkeypunch: Need me to three point your ass?

He logged off after that.
[10:23:14 PM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: nair
[10:23:17 PM] Pyre on Fire: Like right infront of me
[10:23:18 PM] Lila Niue: NO
[10:23:18 PM] Fi: LOL
[10:23:18 PM] Hime Takamura: I almost zipped up my nipple in a dress once
[10:23:19 PM] Lila Niue: NOT NAIR
[10:23:20 PM] Fi: NO
[10:23:22 PM] Lila Niue: NO
[10:23:23 PM] Pyre on Fire: OH GOD
[10:23:23 PM] Lila Niue: KHAN
[10:23:24 PM] Lila Niue: NO
[10:23:24 PM] Pyre on Fire: NO
[10:23:30 PM] Lady 竜智 ライト優: Ffffff
[10:23:31 PM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: ...
"Don't get mad, get even." - Aerosmith
[1:19:20 PM]Spooky: Lord Greycock has sinned and thus his wang turned gray.

[1:20:45 PM]Spooky: The prophecy fortold that Lord Khan would sin, and through his sins he would turn into Lord Greycock the First
He shall have no heritage but a spoken one, whom shall forever be Lord Greycock the Second
And thus the legacy goes on, from one Greycock to another.

[1:25:12 PM]Spooky: write a story about lord greycock

[1:25:21 PM]Black Jesys JC: they shall be called children of the ash
I just finished reading Flags of Our Fathers (Amazing book), the quote that pretty much summed the entire book up was, “Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” -Ronald Reagan.
[12:21:05 AM] Royce : I'll be back to touch you all again
[12:21:50 AM] Black Jesus JC: not if i touch you first
[12:21:56 AM] Black Jesus JC: with my penis
[12:21:59 AM] Black Jesus JC: in your butt
[12:22:21 AM] Royce : Sounds like a plan JC.
[1:58:02 AM] edward.cruz747: morning
[2:14:23 AM] i_am_antw0n: more like Cruzning
[2:14:27 AM] i_am_antw0n: or uh
[2:14:29 AM] i_am_antw0n: Monrcruzing
[2:14:38 AM] i_am_antw0n: fuck you Cruz go die
With great power comes great responsibility ~Human Race
Fuck that shit. ~Human Race
"Page get"
Tegumi and Pen's friend discussing life, apparently

[11:35:54] Sadaki: im not ready to be an aggressive lesbian
[11:36:17] Sadaki: kings eat as many desserts as they want
[11:36:18] Sadaki: i do that
[11:36:20] Sadaki: what now
[11:36:32] gokublazesup: you can reverse the gender pronouns and replace the punching with other scoially unacceptable actions you like, yeah
[11:36:39] gokublazesup: thats how you win
[11:36:54] gokublazesup: thats how a king lives
[11:37:28] Sadaki: alone and watching japanese animes while eating pineapple?
[11:38:21] gokublazesup: ill go and say confident words at babes in 6 hours, right now no ones awake and im drunk on budweiser, americas beer
[11:38:35] gokublazesup: so yeah the scenario youve described is exactly what i want in life at this moment
[11:41:41] Sadaki: you want too little
[11:41:44] Sadaki: i want to be in
[11:42:00] Sadaki: a hotel penthouse soaking in a hot tub with my boyfriend surrounded by a dessert bar
[11:45:22] gokublazesup: i want a peanut butter cookie and i have a bag of peanut butter cookies right here
[11:45:36] gokublazesup: basically the dalai lama would call me the wiser dude in this comparison
[11:52:03] Sadaki: but you have nothing to work forward to
[11:52:18] gokublazesup: wow its like i already won

Also, anime is pussy deflecting power;
[11:27:46] Sadaki: great, ive made your disease worse
[11:28:41] gokublazesup: its pure power actually
[11:30:17] Sadaki: powerful pussy deflecting powers
[11:30:33] gokublazesup: i broke up with my girlfriend irl bc she didnt like anime
[11:30:36] gokublazesup: so that is probably true
Magical girls make you think "tentacles"

-Kanetsuki Masayoshi
yummines wrote...
Magical girls make you think "tentacles"

-Kanetsuki Masayoshi

lol nice quote
[02:36:38] Sadaki: forum ppl are rly fucking stupid
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Herodotus wrote...
[02:36:38] Sadaki: forum ppl are rly fucking stupid

[12:42:31]Fi: >forum ppl are rly fucking stupid

Hippo crate
[10:27:11 PM] Sir Fi the Deranged: imagine
[10:27:16 PM] Sir Fi the Deranged: going to a gumball machine
[10:27:20 PM] Sir Fi the Deranged: but instead of gumballs
[10:27:21 PM] Sir Fi the Deranged: babies
"[size=10]Not exactly stealthy, are ya?[/h]"

"I don't like these guys - they're dicks!"

~ Mother Fuckin' Pallytime
"How can you say that you watch anime when you haven't even watch Spirited Away?"
[6:18:51 PM] Freddie: come
[6:18:57 PM] Freddie: and fuck my ass
Monster Girl
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