I tried playing the TCG again about a year ago but was so disgusted with what it had become that I started my own game. I made ALL of these, I've had very little help. Pokemon images courtesy of pokebeach.com
These are the latest versions I have uploaded (there are changes that I have made but this is the best I can come up with at the moment.)
In the future there will be TMs and Berries. I have already made most of them and have pictures for most of them I just haven't uploaded them yet.
Resistances are on the right. Weaknesses are on the left. Yellow is double damage (regular weakness.) Red is 4x damage (meaning a dual type who's types are both weak against the same type.) White is half damage (regular resistance.) Gray is 1/4th damage (double resistance, like double weakness but the other way around.) Black is no damage at all (super resistance or unaffected, like when a fighting type attacks a ghost.)
More rules:[code:1]Rules Change:
Pokemon will be the types they are supposed to
Pokemon will have weaknesses and resistances that correspond to their types
Pokemon will have retreat costs to reflect their speed
HP will be increased and many attacks decreased in order to make pokemon live longer
Every attack will have a type
Energy will be relatively the same (Poison and Grass are Grass, Ghost and Psychic are Psychic, etc)
Energy Costs will use more colorless and fewer specific energy to encourage more types per deck
Dark and Metal energy will still be limited to 4 each and the effects written on them will be removed
Dark and Steel attacks can be used with only colorless energy or can utilize Dark or Steel for additional effects.
Stat change tokens such as accuracy down, attack up, and others will be included
The Freeze, Flinch, and Attracted status effects will be added possibly along with others
Paralyze and many other status effects will be changed to be more like the video game
If you retreat you can't attack
Stones and other items necessary for evolution will be included
Pokemon Powers will be based off of their actual abilities in the video game
Turn vs Round: 1 Turn is from the time a player draws until the time that player lets their opponent draw. 1 Round is 2 Turns in a row, from the time a player draws until the time they draw again.
Struggle: Every Pokemon is considered to have an attack named “Struggle” in addition to its other attacks. Struggle costs no energy, is Normal type, has a base damage of 10 and has the effect “Deal 10 damage to this Pokemon.”
Tokens: There may never be more than 3 of one type of token on a Pokemon.
Accuracy Down tokens: If you have 1 then you must roll a D6 when attacking. If 1 then your attack is negated. If you have 2 Accuracy Down tokens then your attack is negated on a 1 or 2 and so on up to 5, which is the maximum number of accuracy down tokens.
Evasiveness Up tokens: Just like Accuracy down tokens except your opponent rolls to attack you as if they had accuracy down tokens on them. This roll is in addition to any Accuracy Down rolls.
Attack Up: Attacks that Pokemon with Attack Up tokens use do 10 more damage, (before applying Weakness and Resistance,) for each Attack Up token on them.
Attack Down: Attacks that Pokemon with Attack Down tokens use do 10 less damage, (before applying Weakness and Resistance,) for each Attack Down token on them to a minimum of 10 base damage.
Defense Up: Attacks that deal damage to Pokemon with Defense Up tokens deal 10 less damage for each Defense Up token on them to a minimum of 10 damage.
Defense Down: Attacks that deal damage to Pokemon with Defense Down tokens deal 10 more damage for each Defense Down token on them.
Status Effects:
Poisoned: At the end a Poisoned Pokemon's controller's turn it takes 10 damage.
Double Poisoned: At the end a Double Poisoned Pokemon's controller's turn it takes 20 damage.
Confused: At the beginning of a Confused Pokemon's turn its controller rolls a D3. If 3, the Pokemon is no longer Confused. When attacking with a Confused Pokemon its controller flips a coin. If tails, the attack does nothing and the attacking Pokemon takes 20 damage. Ends upon retreat.
Paralyzed: When attacking with a Paralyzed Pokemon it's controller flips a coin. If tails, the attack does nothing.
Asleep: If a Pokemon that is asleep tries to attack its controller rolls a D3. If 3, the Pokemon wakes up and attacks normally, otherwise the attack does nothing. If a Sleeping Pokemon's controller chooses not to attack its controller rolls a D3. If 3, the Sleeping Pokemon wakes up.
Trapped: A Trapped Pokemon cannot retreat without the help of another card effect.
Frozen: A Frozen Pokemon cannot attack. Ends after being an Active Pokemon for 3 of its controller's turns after being Frozen or when a Fire type move deals damage to it.
Burnt: At the end a Burnt Pokemon's controller's turn it takes 10 damage and it counts as having an Attack Down token on it.
Cursed: A Cursed Pokemon looses ¼ of its maximum HP, (rounded up to the nearest 10,) at the end of each of it's controller's turns. Ends upon retreat.
Attracted: If an Attracted Pokemon tries to attack the Pokemon it is attracted to the Attracted Pokemon's controller flips a coin. If tails, the attack does nothing. Ends upon the Attracted Pokemon's retreat.
Flinch: A Pokemon that Flinches cannot attack or retreat without the help of another card effect.
Weather: Only one weather token may be in play at a time. If a new weather token comes into play the previous one is removed.
Sunny: Increase the base damage of all Fire type attacks by 20. Halve, (rounded up to the nearest 10,) the base damage of all Water type attacks.
Raining: Increase the base damage of all Water type attacks by 20. Halve, (rounded up to the nearest 10,) the base damage of all Fire type attacks.
Hailing: Deal 10 damage to all Active Pokemon that are not Ice type at the beginning of every turn.
Sandstorm: Deal 10 damage to all Active Pokemon that are not Rock, Ground, or Steel type at the beginning of every turn. All Rock type Pokemon count as having an additional Defense Up token on them.
Delayed: Attacks with the delayed effect deal their damage on your next turn and are forced to attack with the same attack the following turn to deal that damage.
Corroded: A Pokemon that has been Corroded takes a set amount of damage at the end of their controller's turn. Does not count as a status effect. Attacks that make a Pokemon Corroded cannot be used again until the Corroded Pokemon has not been Corroded for 1 Round.
Weaknesses: Any attack that targets a Pokemon that is weak against that type of attack takes double damage from that attack.
Resistances: Any attack that targets a Pokemon that is resistant against that type of attack takes half damage from that attack (rounded up to the nearest 10.)
Retreat Cost: The number of energy (any combination of any kind of energy,) that must be discarded off of the active Pokemon to switch it with a Pokemon on the bench. Retreat Costs cannot be increased by more that 2 energies or decreased by more than 2 energies. If a Pokemon retreats during a Turn, no attacks may be made that turn.
Doll Token:
No Base Damage: Attacks without a base damage cannot have their base damage increased.[/code:1]
Starting with the first 151, I am remaking every single pokemon card and many of the game mechanics to better reflect the video game. So far I've probably spent 30 hours on these, a lot of it was getting all of the pictures, then getting and photo shopping the backgrounds, then getting my TCG editor program to work for pokemon, then making the cards them selves. It's a very lengthy process.
General Rules Change Concept Guide:
Pokemon will be they types they are supposed to be
Pokemon will have weaknesses and resistances that correspond to their types
Pokemon will have retreat costs to reflect their speed
HP will be increased and many attacks decreased in order to make pokemon live longer
Every attack will have a type
Energy will be relatively the same (Poison and Grass are Grass, Ghost and Psychic are Psychic, etc)
Energy Costs will use more colorless and fewer specific energy to encourage more types per deck
Dark and Metal energy will still be limited to 4 each and their effects will be removed
Dark and Steel attacks can be used with only colorless energy or can utilize Dark or Steel for additional effects.
Stat change tokens such as accuracy down, attack up, and others will be included
The Freeze status effect will be added possibly along with others
Paralyze and many other status effects will be changed to be more like the video game
If you retreat you can't attack
Stones and other items necessary for evolution will be included
There's more.... I just cant think of it right now, so here's the file. Keep in mind not all of them are done and the card color has no effect on gameplay.