Space Cowboy wrote...
I was going to post some stuff about prions, but all I could remember is that they are mis-folded proteins and can be a part of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (madcow disease). If you try to kill the proteins, you are going to end up killing other, healthy proteins of the same make up. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is the human variant of this monster agent. I remember something about fatal familial insomnia, but not much else... I learned most of this reading a book, then wiki'ing and googling it to see how much of the story was true. It was pretty badass, it had zombies and shit.
You're talking about World War Z, right?
I never read it, but in discussions about zombies someone brought it up to talk about prions as a means of spreading the zombie disease.
Which would either not really get spread, or fuck over the whole world in every possible way. There is no cure for a prion disease, nor is there any immunity or resistance. But prion diseases are not easily spread, so it wouldn't be a world-ending scenario unless it was airborne or something, in which case we would all be better of shooting ourselves in the head. But I'm not sure if prion diseases can even be airborne.
I should read that book.
Anyway, prion diseases can be downright brutal. For example, Fatal familial insomnia. It typically onsets a little later in life, like around 50, and after onset, the poor bastard who has it will develop chronic insomnia, leading to horrible paranoia and neurosis, hallucinations, and an eventual fall into dementia, fallowed by death. This process can take over a year to kill.
fucking horrible.
The Jesus wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
Someone should explain
String Theory because I have no bloody clue what it is.
Basically, its a theoretical concept that attempts to bring together quantum mechanics and general relativity. There are multiple string theories, but fuck describing them.
String theory has become a misleading name, being that the strings themselves aren't really essential anymore. I believe the most common theory currently is M Theory, which works on the basis of 11 dimensions and is thought to basically combines and overrules other string theories. I haven't seen any real detailed information, equations, or formula for it, and every real physicist I've ever seen talk about it more or less dismisses it as shenanigans. It might be valid, but there isn't currently any way to prove, or even really test it.
But I'm not a physicist, personally. I mean, it could be a legit unifying theory, it's just no good if you can't even test it.