Intelligence Test: What is IQ and how do I know my level?

Is it really necessary to take such tests? Why?
And who told you that you have to go through them. It's optional. And they seem to me to be more about determining the type of thinking than the level of intelligence. But everyone gives it so much importance, it's ridiculous.
It's one way to measure intelligence - mostly mathematical aptitude, language skills, and some puzzle solving. Psychologists can administer them. I recall it being kind of a long test and mentally exhausting.
It's really not important. From my understanding, an IQ test is more about how fast your cognition is than it is about how accurate your conclusions are. You can have a high IQ and all it means that you're stupid, but faster. (and also maybe good at mathematics)

Also there's the fact that these IQ tests ignore specialized forms of intelligence. I have an average IQ, and while I might not be on some crazy genius level, I'd hazard a guess that most of the "high IQ" folk couldn't write a sorting algorithm or a shader if their life depended on it.
I'm one of the smartest people here because when I took an iq test I was ranked #63 in the world