This is a great way to raise your self-esteem. :)
#10360 +(214)- [X]
<Fentom> great, I'm spending my saturday nights on the computer looking at pictures of dildos
<Fentom> trekkies look down on me and call me sad
#10941 +(404)- [X]
<Drezdar> I am a white, supple 21 year old male from New York City. I enjoy the big life...when I leave my house. I enjoy computer games, PS2 games, Xbox games, Dreamcast games, SNES games, N64 games, GBA games, Genesis games, Amiga 500 games, C64 games, Atari 800XL games, and porn. I am very good at masturbation so I think I would be very good in bed. If you would like to meet me, email me or cyber me on AIM.
Can a guy really use the word "supple" to positively describe himself?