Well that's for you to figure out/decide, love is different for everyone. We can't just pry you open and check your insides and emotions for whether it's love or not.
These sort of things happen often, perhaps it's just attraction. Doesn't always have to be love from the start.
I don't have much experience myself either, but to me it seems to me to be a crush at this point in time. Maybe the next time you see her in class, try to calm down, talk her and after that, who knows?
No Information Technology isnt love oh wait a girl. It could just be a passing fancy, or something more. So man up grow a pair and a manstach chicks love facial hair. and say hey baby can I buy you a fish sandwich?
Take a shot man don't wait till the the last second. take my advice I learned my friends a dick by waiting to long. Because I finally got the nerve to ask her out and I find out they started dating 3 days before. And yes I used to talk about her around my friends and they wanted me to ask her out and that dick was one of them. I hated the dick even more when I found out he cheated on her.
Anyway, I would really hesitate to call that love, if there is one outstanding problem this generation is that we throw around the term "love" like it means nothing. You don't just see someone, even with your heart fluttering, not knowing a thing about them, and that is loving them. Nuh-uh.
Anyway, I would really hesitate to call that love, if there is one outstanding problem this generation is that we throw around the term "love" like it means nothing. You don't just see someone, even with your heart fluttering, not knowing a thing about them, and that is loving them. Nuh-uh.
Sir, that is lol.
Anyway, this is probably not love. If it is love, then it is most likely a generic brand love based on looks and behavior as opposed to actually knowing the person. But get to know them and who knows? It could become love. At that point, come on back and ask us how to further the situation. If I've learned anything, it's that geeks are actually an awesomely untapped resource sometimes when it comes to relationships. We spend so much time dreaming about what we'd do if we ever got a girlfriend, that we know exactly how to go about it.
I can tell you for sure that if this sensation starts to latch on to you for more than 4 weeks then rest assured it is puppy love. In your case try to keep it cool. Don't fuck up like the 70% of the people on this site
Anyway, I would really hesitate to call that love, if there is one outstanding problem this generation is that we throw around the term "love" like it means nothing. You don't just see someone, even with your heart fluttering, not knowing a thing about them, and that is loving them. Nuh-uh.
Lol reference is lol.
I agree with your statement, I also find it hard to believe that you could simply fall in love with someone without knowing a thing about them, attraction is normal but love is something I find hard to believe.
[color=blue]There's a difference between having a crush on someone and being in love. You should get to know each other first. Just try speaking to her once. =P Talking can't hurt. Maybe then you can figure out whether she is your type or not.[/color]
Anyway, this is probably not love. If it is love, then it is most likely a generic brand love based on looks and behavior as opposed to actually knowing the person. But get to know them and who knows? It could become love. At that point, come on back and ask us how to further the situation. If I've learned anything, it's that geeks are actually an awesomely untapped resource sometimes when it comes to relationships. We spend so much time dreaming about what we'd do if we ever got a girlfriend, that we know exactly how to go about it.
Maybe, but spontaneity is part of what makes being in love so charming.