jenslyn wrote...
Which is why Tegumi did not want to answer. But seriously, I know people who can't figure these things out them selves, so they need a bit of help, no matter how obvious it is to just google it.
Agree, I can remember when I knew jack shit about computer hardware and linux, and it was incredibly hard to learn about such stuff. Why? cause you have nowhere to start but looking up info.
I can remember trying to look up stuff about apache, and I failed to really understand how to set up my own web server.
So mean, stuff like the link Nachbar set up is helpful, but I learned from experience, not by Googling things. If you really want to understand a computer, make your next computer. And about laptops, make it your duty to find some way to upgrade it or something, or open it up yourself. Identify the parts, and there, you have learned significantly more about your laptop than you have originally.