That's it, I have lost every shred of hope for Faux news now. The traditional media is one the verge of being outright laughable in my opinion.
i dont fucking get it... they give each other props and its terrorist act? thats the problem with todays media, way to uninformed to start critisizing yet thats all they do. if 1337 speak didnt exist kids would just educate themselves in a proper language to avoid being caught, but unfortunately some retard developed what seems to be a growing vocabulary. both of these things are harmless, ones such a misunderstanding im amazed they broadcasted it and the other is kids doing what they do best; trying to be sneaky. any parent could look up a 1337 speak directory it seems anyways, so this apparent code is as easily cracked as if someone tried using al bhed to be incoherent.
po dra fyo, ev yhouha ghufc un vehtc uid fryd dra ym prat myhkiyka ec vnus drao kad nabidydeuh ib, bs sa fedr dra yhcfan yht emm vummuf drnuikr.
It is dangerous, very very dangerous, IF, the parents never look after their children and only act as a financial supporter.
They forgot to put everything starting from the IF.
Of course every community and age has it's own jargon and codes, even parents have codes when they wanna say "Let's fuck our brains out tonight" infront of their kids without them realizing it, amirite?
or how Bill O'reilly claimed 4chan was a distributing child porn.
well.../b/-tards DO sometimes.
I thought that pic was a shop though. Didn't anon admit to that?
I'm not sure about the shooping but, just because some /b/tards do it doesn't mean the rest of us do it. Thats like saying that since a small portion of a certain groups does something that means all of them do it.