Omahunek wrote...
I honestly don't see the appeal; I can get behind pubescent girls, but some of the things I see are just friggin'
children (Like, "hey, they could easily be eight years old!" kinda children). It kinda creeps me out.
That said, you're allowed to look at whatever the hell you feel like looking at, especially since Hentai Manga of any kind doesn't require actual people to do anything besides draw it. Anyone who thinks there should be any restrictions on what people can or can't look at (Actual child pornography is kind of sick, considering it requires actual children to do shit, and that is far less okay), no matter whether or not they're hurting anyone, is a fascist prick who should learn to let people live their lives.
This was never meant to be a Lolicon discussion thread. I know you just said "Up with Loli, down with CP" (Which is right and is what we ALL think, hopefully,) but I don't want this turning into another debate.