Well, there's been some Drama going around because of the
Grow Up. thread. However, Sindalf, in IRC has noted some obvious facts, that I'm sure most of the users have noticed.
When you read something in text, it's difficult to decide what tone/mood that user is writing in. This can lead to a lot of misunderstandings throughout the user base.
I'm sure it would help if users took the time to think thoroughly about their response. There's no point in having a misunderstanding that could even lead to the loss of a certain user, which really, no one wants. Everyone here has their own opinion, and everyone here will(If they stay long enough.) have their own little ideals or settings their known for.
To the newer users: You may not be accepted or recognized by the older members, people with status', or even other new members. But that doesn't mean that you can't find friendly people, willing to hear out your opinion, or have a conversation with you.
To the older members: Your status isn't everything. Just because Ramsus, TMS and a few others are the people I know, and, for the most part, get along with the best out of the forums user base doesn't mean I only pay attention to them. Every single user on here is a person in their own right. Older members shouldn't look down on them because they don't contribute as much or they have their own Niche.
It's hard to tell if you're going to upset someone when you make a topic/post about something relevant. If a user does call you out for something that they don't think shouldn't have been said, explain to them why you said it, and they'll have to decide whether or not they accept it. Vice versa, if you find something upsetting, ask for an explanation, and even if you can't come to the acceptance of what a user has said, don't continue to point out problems/argue with that person, it's not going to make your e-peen any bigger.