Ziggy wrote...
Jules wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
Jules wrote...
Plus, I think most of you guys who say that you prefer girls with no makeup really mean minimal. It's likely you've never seen a girl without makeup(I've only seen myself, my mother, and my boyfriend's mother), and only like 1/10 girls actually look GOOD when they're not wearing any at all.
'tis true. I am a horrendous mess without my artificial beauty enhancement products.
Likewise. I look like a fucking cancer patient, it's not pretty. I take off my makeup right before bed and get up before my boyfriend does, because he would probably dump me if he saw my face without basic makeup.
:| I think I'm the only girl on Fakku who doesn't wear makeup.
Lololol nah. I have a good amount of friends that don't go near their makeup unless we're going out for something special or the like.
Personally, I'd say I've been lucky in that my complexion's clear enough to go without cakey makeup--especially because I have yet to find a foundation that I'm not allergic to. I do wear eye makeup rather regularly (eyeliner, mascara, shadow if I'm in the mood to play), but mostly because it enhances my eyes and tricks people into thinking my Asian eyes are less squinty than they actually are. (I have no idea how it works, but it's true!)