..hey, i was looking on the internet for stuff to do at school when your bored, i came across a website that told me to "mix mint extract with somthing and drink it"!!! i was interested and desided to find out more....it turns out mint extract has achohol at 90% volume in it (the achohol isnt even diluted!)....so i kinda figured out i could make my own achohol from this (all i needed was mint extract and pepsi)...so i went back to the website and looked at where i could buy the mint extract...i found out i could buy it (without needing ID) at wal-mart (now i live in england and wal-mart dosent exsist here) so could somone please tell me which store i could get mint extract (with the achoholic propitey) in england (or actually south devon)...btw im trying to do it with peppermint extract...it dosnt work!
drinking is way overrated i think. i mean ill have one or two drinks if its something i really like(and its free, drinks are too expensive), but im not going to go out of my way at all to get booze, much less drink enough for it to have any effect.
yer i supose your right...but im a pretty tense guy (it may or may not come across over the internet) and i find it hard to relax and let go, when im drunk i find it alot easier to do these things and still maintain the characteristics people know me by
using it as a crutch isnt all that healthy man. tends to lead to problems. if your too tense, try exercise or some sort of hobby to regularly get rid of some stress.
I suggest just buying a 2-4 or something. If you're underage then just find someone to get it for you. It's really not that hard. To make it even easier, if you can grow a beard then you can buy alcohol pretty easily, regardless of your actual age.
actually at the moment i use one of my own tricks, i went to the university where my dad lectures at and signed up at the libery,got a libery card...so now when they ask for ID i say "woops i cant find it, but heres my university libery card....its better than nothing and most people believe me
Anyone who drinks with a purpose in mind is doing it wrong. Unless that purpose is to get as shitfaced as possible and act like a moron until you sober up.
ok i got some pepper mint extract yesterday and i drank it straight , within ten minites i thought a shadow had came out of my mirror and became my scarf, i thought my school bag had become a cat, i looked at my curtains and yellow spiders were crawling all over them and because i was using a virtual keyboard on my wii ( the keyboard appears on screen) i went like into the keyboard and i was jumping from square to square, then all of a sudden i just wake up like it was a day dream i thought i was gonna die!
it was crazy, i called it pepper mint land, i've never expierenced anything like it before
Anyone who drinks with a purpose in mind is doing it wrong. Unless that purpose is to get as shitfaced as possible and act like a moron until you sober up.