RedMage wrote...
Honestly I don't give a flying shit weather or not you respect him, but you should show respect to one who recently died. If you want to go make fun you should do it in its own thread where people who actually give a damn about this happening can ignore it. The fact is the man is gone and he was legendary, you only get to see that kind of talent and passion from someone once in a lifetime. There isn't going to be another. Not while we are still around.
Yes you should respect the dead, I agree with you there. However, I don't agree with you saying that there won't be anyone with that kind of talent in our lifetime. Honestly, I think that is bs. There are plenty of musicians with as much, if not more talent than Jackson. The problem is that, since he became famous, pop music is diluted with masses of singers, and musicians who understand music or play an instrument get flooded out.