Flaser wrote...
Sisami wrote...
Flaser wrote...
When I was a frequent visitor of the pizza joint next door (so much so that I knew most of the staff) I saw two girls entering. They were pretty cool, but I as usual was sitting in my own corner enjoying my evening pizza and beer...
...so they probably didn't notice me. Then I heard this comment:
"He always says he loves you!"
"Yeah... I know he always does it..."
"When he's coming, he probably really feels that way, he's cute like that."
At that moment I almost choked on my beer, but didn't say a word. The girls noticed me then and there and seemed most embarrassed. Well, turns out I was having dinner with two porn stars.
What toppings did you have on your pizza?
The usual: mozzarella chese, bacon, double ham, corn, pepper, pepperoni, hot sauce.
So much pork... I'm Muslim, dude! PORK DOWN A LITTLE.
Now, this "hot sauce" of yours... What brand was it? Was it Tabasco?