HentaiElder wrote...
I've never really found myself watching a movie commentary. Maybe once or twice. I watched the commentary to the "Saw" movie, the first Saw movie, and I believe "The Amityville Horror" movie.
However, with each of them I only watched twenty minutes top. I don't really like to watch a movie and have someone talk over it, even if it can be pretty cool to listen to explanations, opinions and so on. However, it's pretty cool that you actually take the time to listen to em/watch em. I suppose you're the type who really likes a movie and takes the time to appreciate each part of it.
Me, I just don't do it often. It's not that I don't have the time.. I just don't. Not so sure why. Haha I guess I have to be really interested (like with "Saw") or bored, with nothing to do (like when I watched "The Amityville Horror"'s commentary).
Edit: Lol at your avatar, I just noticed what was changed about it.
Well, I only buy movies that I really love or know I'll love. And like The Korolev, when I buy a DVD, I watch everything on it, or try to. But I also don't buy a lot of DVDs period, so I have the time to watch all the special stuff. I never have to put down one DVD to watch another. It's just one DVD every six months (if I'm lucky enough to get one every six months).
About the avatar, I saw everybody else changing theirs, so I figured I could use a change, too. I really like the new one. :)
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Sure, they can be alot of fun, especially with the right people doing them. Any commentary with Will Ferrell is usually worth a laugh or two, although I also enjoy it when people are simply trying to describe a scene and telling me how shit was done, especially in horror movies. I prefer that to watching the 'making of' specials found on most DVD's these days. Credit also goes to Joss Whedon for making the Commentary on 'Dr. Horrible' into a musical - that was fun.
The people doing the commentary definitely matter. The Clerks II DVD has three different commentary tracks, I believe, and one of them is just Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier, and it's hard to get through. But the one with Kevin and all the actors is hilarious and actually worth rewatching.
The Korolev wrote...
Don't worry Shaggy, my friends also look at me weird when I mention something that was on the commentary. They ask me how I know that, and give me blank stares when I ask if anybody listens to the commentaries. It's what I do when I buy a DVD, I watch everything, EVERYTHING! I actually buy less comedies than other genres though.
Good to know another person out there's gotten that stare before. It's not such a strange thing though, is it? If you buy the DVD, why not enjoy all of it? I mean, if people simply didn't find the commentary interesting, that'd be one thing, and it's completely understandable, but it's as if people never even try to listen to the commentaries. They buy a movie, and it never occurs to them to give the commentary a try? Wuh?