Awhile ago I torrented the Ace Combat Zero soundtrack and was initially miffed that it did not include the ending theme (when Pixy is saying his final words to the interviewer and it cuts to Cypher's jet making the approach and dissapearing) before the credits song. Well, on a whim I opened the credits song in with VLC and whaddaya know? I'ts stuck on the back end of the credits song!
So I think "Great, now open it in iTunes!"
First off, the timecode end on the itunes file is just under six minutes. The MP3 file in win-explorer says seven and a quarter. Also, itunes plays the file past six minutes, and there's no 'end theme' just a continuation of the flamenco guitar until it stops at seven-fifteen and then it jumps back to six-oh-two. (just tried on AVS and works like VLC)
So I'm at a loss here. Requesting tech support.
If you need the file in Q PM me your email and I'll send it. This wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't want this on my iPod.
Thx if you can help, and thx for the time anyway if you can't.