I have met two. One was the victim of a car accident. He lived with a friend of my mom's so whenever my mom would visit her I was forced to interact with him. He had like..7 personalities. Nothing special about them except for two persona. One was psychotic which is the reason he isn't living with my my mom's friend. The second, he thought he was Evil Knievel the stuntman.
The second guy I never personally met but, I did have the pleasure to be in a room adjacent to him when he switched. He attends Georgia Tech with a friend of mine. They share a "house" together along with several other people. As semesters change the people renting out various rooms change. This one is an Indian immigrant who apparently stopped taking his meds. He was talking to himself (in hindi I assume) though it almost sounded like he was singing a song to himself like we all do. Then he switched and started yelling at himself in Hindi. The punchline is: He argued back!
So there I was talking with my friend and suddenly we have this Idian guy yelling/arguing with himself in the other kitchen (the house has two kitchens). I couldn't help but, say "What the fuck...?"
aznstoner wrote...
Why yes, I have.
I call it York and Naota.
I am so confused I had to call a college professor to find out what word I should use.