hi im still new here but here is one of my drawings :D hope you like it im still tring to get use to drwing with a pen and tablet so later i will put up more ^^
lol thanks ^^ havent been drawing for long but i love to draw <boobies> alot.
i will cont. to improve my and tone my skills >:D of drawing <boobies> :D
Depending on what you want I can; fluff it up, be honest, or be brutally honest about this. I'll type something up tomorrow since I have an essay to write tonight. If there's no response I'll just go with brutally honest...
tell me whatever you think need to be impored :D i posted it up so i can know what i can work on ^^. as for the shirt with the faces i try to make her were the same shirt as she grow up to show how much she has grown