Seeing as my old thread is... well, really old and far back in the pages, I'll go ahead and start a new one. Not to mention I'd love to get my ass back into some sort of level of activity on the forums between my classes, studying, and having nightmares about various coding languages not wanting to work when I run them... ANYWAYS! on to the art stuff!
Like I mentioned, I've been sort of busy with school(not normal collage courses, these are full time, 5 days a week, 6 hours a day technical school courses) so I've not had much time to do much work artwise, but here is some of my past work:
sig for a friend on another site:
A sig i made for my self a long time ago:
Another sig i made for myself some time ago:
sig for FeliXious here on FAKKU:
/*Other digital work*/
Reaction 2.0:
All is silent: (just the stars)
All is silent, Pixel edition:
/*Web Design*/
A template for one of my class projects, though, PHP was the focus and not design so it's a little simple/not very imaginative:
I've also done work for FAKKU subs decensoring some of the releases.
Other than that there are various other things on my DeviantART account linked to up above. Some photography, simple written work, some drawn or painted(digital) stuff, and i've also made some Photoshop brush sets, you'll have to dig for those =P.
I do take requests, so feel free to ask for something, but it might take me a bit to get finished. IF I happen to owe someone a sig already and I've managed to forget, just give me a yell and I'll get you done first. I've done a ton of sigs that I don't have uploaded anywhere my self and I'm just too lazy to upload them just for this thread =P I did Raze's sig and a couple others here on FAKKU, though not many are using them any more XD.