And WTF!? Anko!? Where the hell did she come from!? And she's with Yamato and Sai!? Holy shit!?
Yamato and Anko were probably just teaching Sai how to..."take care of" an enemy kunoichi if he were to encounter one, If you know what I mean. :twisted: (Imagines scenario for Sai X Anko X Yamato DP gangrape H-doujin; epic nosebleed ensues :lol: )
Also, FUCK YEAH!!!
Hinata lives, even after her insane Leeroy Jenkins suicide rush! The only other person I can think of who could survive such a crazy move would be Chuck Norris. :lol:
LOL OMG THIS IS AWSOME. okay now for real...DAMNIT WHY DID I HAVE TO COME TO THIS THREAD.i watch the anime i didnt want her to die but like ya said no confermed dead yet so...DAMNIT.
EDIT:okay finished thread YAY she no dead woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!