Finally got around to making myself a sig to use here, fairly simple but I like it. :lol: Also figured I would give a link to my Deviantart page (I haven't updated in a
long time).
Xanthil is my account name there, and I mostly have flame fractals with some 3D landscapes and some older stuff I should probably move to scraps heh. Starting to work with Chaoscope a bit, but I mostly use GIMP, Apophysis and Terragen.
Ugh... It's been over a year since I've posted anything there... sorta lacking inspiration until lately. Enjoy guys, and while I can't produce avatars or sigs of anywhere near the quality of some of the people here feel free to hit me up for one... no promises it will be done in a timely manner though (I will try to get them done quickly should anyone actually desire one).
I was gonna post a couple of examples but I don't remember if DA allows linking to just the image (and not by using the embed code). And I don't have the files on this computer (also too lazy to download and upload them somewhere else), so I'll do that tomorrow when I'm on my computer.
Edit: Uploaded my sig on Imagevenue instead, hopefully it will stay this time. Also working on some new stuff so for those interested check my DA profile later on.