razama wrote...
Tsurayu doesn't have a scantily clad girlfriend hanging around the house like I do though, thats why my numbers are so high lol.
CatZodiacKyo wrote...
Well I did give this prior thought and I have to say that if I got nothing to do, maybe five?
that is so much lower then guys i'd think. Dudes must not be as attractive as girls...
Guys are atractive to girls it's just girls Being wet lasts longer then guys being hard, so it's a bit different.
Tsurayu wrote...
CatZodiacKyo wrote...
Different but mostly the same awesomeness but that's just my perspective and it's really awesome when ur with someone who can do something about it ^.-
Oh ho! Interesting. You should elaborate. *nods*
Elaborate on what the feeling or the with someone lol.