Right. Since FAKKU deals a lot with questions from techno-weenies, I decided to answer them here and merge them into one big fat post. Links to topics will be put in if deemed appropriate.
1a: Piss off. Something as nondescript as that is so vague that no-one in the world could help you and your probably-simple problem.
2a: Buy your games. Fixed!
3: I'm trying to play a game on my computer, and it falls within minimum specifications, but it's very choppy.
3a: Minimum specifications mean the game will open and probably load a level. It doesn't promise optimal play, nor does it promise playable play. If you find yourself with a sub-par computer lagging on a game, turn all the settings down/off. An often overlooked setting is resolution, which should be the lowest number possible. V-Sync or Vertical Sync must be off.
4: I can't install a Japanese game.
4a: Check your locale settings, or use Applocale to temporarily get around changing the locale.
5: I recently installed something and now my computer is over-ridden with spam and crap.
5a: I recommend cleaning your temporary files. I have noticed that often the fix to spyware is simple, but requires an experienced user to commit to fixing. If I'm around on IRC and you're polite and willing to follow instructions quickly, I can help you. If you demand my assistance, I will be short and unhelpful.