1. im not a jesustroll cus i dont believe in jesus or god
2. masticating over as u say "loli hentai" is just creating a fake (though very real) fantasy that u would like in everyday life the more u "fap" over "loli hentai" the more u like it and the more violent u need it so u might not be as sick as a petofile but u are VERY dirty to like such a thing. i suggest u go cold turkey on "loli hentai" cus it Does actually corrupt the mind. erotic and "normal" hentai is fine but "loli" hentai is just a sick fantasy for people with sick minds to live in im sorry to tell u this but u are nearlly/just or even more sick than a person who knows they like real child porn.
its true and this may be a spoiler for u if u end up finding it out *rolls eyes* im sure u know what i mean
also even if it isnt meant to be under-age it seems it is and u dont think rationally when your "fap'ing" (if i have that right) so anything u c plays a role in your arousal so sub conciously u might be turned on by them looking like children