After I found out that Excel screwed up my graphs, I got an hour to finish the whole thing before time's up for handing in the assignment. So I drew the graphs by hand. Never knew I could draw graphs very fast and accurately. With some calculations done here and there, along with a paragraph-long answer about the results, I finished them all with 15 minutes to spare. FUCK YOU EXCEL!
As of today, I'm a couple of steps away from having my first completely modded arcade stick. All that's left to do is go to fedex office and get a laminate label of the artwork I "worked on" in Photoshop and I'll be done with it.
My friend uploading this picture of me from FanimeCon when I was being super kawaii in my Guy Fawkes mask at the hotel LOL. I just can't stop giggling at it lol
Also me and my buddy Black Vash got to hang out so that was pretty epic too